Tuesday, December 25, 2012

No strings attached?

“String theory a.k.a the theory of everything says the universe is made of strings, infinitesimally small. It’s their vibrations that gives shape to our universe. It’s a fascinating theory, giving a picture of exotic physics, at the same time backed up by powerful mathematical proofs”.

 So when I first read about the theory, I immediately drew a social analogy which initially seemed like a mouth-watering proposition for food for thought.  Let’s assume that in near future, some relationship expert proposes a theory in which human relations could be quantified and qualified in terms of dynamics of small invisible strings. It works something like this: the way in which the strings vibrate, how frequently they do so and in which all and how many dimensions, will be the determining variables. And these can be realised irl like this- how frequently you interact with that person, what all things figure in your talks and what genre that relation comes under the predefined categories of our society. The overtones will determine the ups and downs your relationship will experience. You love someone, that’s one instinctive string for you. You hate someone, the unstable string will tell it. The dimensions in which the vibrations take place, define the planes-professional, personal, socio-economical, physical etc. your string constitutes. Friendship’s will be the ones with aggressive vibrations, energetic, with high frequency, often straying in fields of dampening potentials, getting twisted and turned by gravity of situations, elongating as and when the weights get thrown around, but still keeping the bond in most cases.
And then love. Aaah…guess ‘getting on nerves’ will finally have an example, giving a graphical touch to love. If it is one sided, the string is an open ended one. It’ll end the whole genre of poems/pictures who’ve been toy-ing (fantasizing rather) for centuries  with the entity love, using every imagery that even a person high on weed would find difficult to imagine. I’ve seen some true ingeniousness, though, in some of these definitions (the reason I admire few poets), but they all appear to be vague if you’re an experienced player. I think when one ‘falls’ in love, either he’s talking about bungee jumping (with the same string tied to his leg) or he’s falling into black-hole hence being stretched like a string(this one can be thousands of miles long). Anyway, getting back to strings, the conglomerate of strings that entrap a man-in-love will have behaviours of their own. They might be as complex as human dna itself. If your love is reciprocated i.e. If you find ‘the’ partner, your strings pair up, leaving a stable and lively closed loop string. And it is universally agreed on, that you’ll love those nights with your partner where both of you try to decode/explore these strings and develop new ‘connections’. Tingling these strings will give eternal pleasure. Playful pluckings will fill the universe with harmonious tunes and it’ll be like a one giant orchestra, you’ll have the time of your life. And as happens with everything else, soon enough your love will be tested in foreign waters (fluids?) of insecurity and you’ll wonder how to keep the vibrations under check. All frantic efforts to satisfy the boundary conditions set according to society norms will be futile. That’s when the strings can get divided and its scary aspects emerge. It might turn violent thus creating disturbances around, or it may curl onto itself, allowing its vibrations to die out slowly. Its fate is similar to that of Schrödinger’s cat, difference being the poor cat ultimately has to die.
 One usual scenario from my hazy past (and that probably fits in here) I used to noticed when I was in school was the frequent cuts on fair arms of girls. I let the imagination of the string-theorist in me run wild, and it came up with an explanation- in depressing/immature relationships that high school girls are usually in, girls would sometimes get too inquisitive to find whether it’s those ‘strings’ of love that are getting on their nerves! But gore not being their favorite genre, they couldn't go all the way. Superficial excavations were all they could manage. Stupid kids are stupid, especially poor teenagers who've to deal with lot of "relations and hormones" simultaneously. Adults like to keep things simple I guess. Otherwise why would they devise phrases like the one I casually used as the title? But I bet they never saw an explanation for that coming.

(just few minutes into writing this blog-post and its already fascinating; the brain)
 I’d like my strings to be stable, inert to other strings’ vibrations. In fact I’d like to be string-less, if possible. Relationships have always puzzled me, no matter how much I crave & care for them.  I forcefully tried to increase my appetite for human relations and curb the escapism in me through this post. But now I guess it is a lost cause. Damn! 

Now I fear some modern day Mr Researcher might find this figment of my toilet-time-imagination ‘scientific’ enough to chew on, and might end up inventing some sort of social structure where strings could be forged, manipulated and broken (and hence kill the market of black magic). Cliché much? You never know :P

PS: Right from the beginning, ms-word has been suggesting a ‘fragment revision’ for this line I wrote in beginning:
 “The overtones will determine the ups and downs your relationship will experience”.
WAIT! Now that’s an anomaly, ain’t it? More overtones will imply higher frequency, hence more energetic the string will be. And it can’t be established directly that passionate relationships are the rockiest ones. Energy of strings depends on the brains branes they are tied to, their lengths and their vibrations.
Nice one Microsoft :D


Welcome to my Blog!

I'm Pradeep, a 3rd year student at IIT Kharagpur and an astronomy and space science enthusiast. Through this blog I intend to get across ideas for which I don't find an audience irl.

Mind you it's not an astonomy blog(hopefully someday i'll be that knowledgeable).

*When I'm not blogging, I'm contemplating :-) *

Email me at pradeepyadav118@gmail.com

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